Thursday, May 14, 2020

Changes in Health and Social Care Policy of the UK Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The Poor laws implemented by Royal commission in 1832 anticipated the modern UK welfare state. They were ceased when it was found that they were abused by people. As the labor party became very popular with the people, the Liberal party initiated Liberal welfare reforms and laid the foundation of the modern state. Gradually, they were extended to all fields during next 40 years. After World War I, the governments were keen to reform the system to reduce mass social unrest risk. As government amassed total control of the state over every part of the economy during Second World War, most of the people were used to the idea of the ability of the state to resolve many issues in all parts of the state. After the founding of NHS is 1948, they are in favor of extending its reach to all over the country. Universalism can be broadly defined as the minimum set of high-quality services including palliative, promotive, curative, preventive and rehabilitative health services that should be a vailable to all users at an affordable rate without any qualification (What is universal coverage? The main obligations in these services are with regard to some mandatory services, which are provided to all UK residents. In addition to that, it also establishes the end-user s rights and a corresponding undertaking by health care services. We will write a custom essay sample on Changes in Health and Social Care Policy of the UK or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The eligibility criteria include the particular characteristics and type of health care needs and its severity and intensity. In addition to that, the guidelines also include the complexity of the requirements and the unpredictability of the requirements, including the health risks

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